苹果在新加坡开设了首个开发者中心,以支持东南亚的应用程序开发者。 Apple opens its first Developer Center in Singapore to support Southeast Asia's app developers.
苹果公司在新加坡开设了第一家开发者中心,位于新加坡的创新中心一北区。 Apple opens its first Developer Center in Singapore, located in the city-state's innovation hub, the one-north district. 该中心旨在支持东南亚蓬勃发展的开发者社区,该社区已向 App Store 贡献了超过 90,000 个应用程序。 The center aims to support Southeast Asia's thriving developer community, which has contributed over 90,000 apps to the App Store. 该中心专为应用程序开发各个阶段的团队量身定制,将提供面对面会议、实验室、研讨会和咨询,并加入库比蒂诺、班加罗尔和上海的现有中心。 Tailored for teams at all stages of app development, the center will offer in-person sessions, labs, workshops, and consultations, and join existing centers in Cupertino, Bengaluru, and Shanghai.