研究表明,天敌使害虫数量减少 70%,产量增加 25%,为农药提供了可行的替代品。 Study suggests natural predators reduce pest populations by 70% and increase yields by 25%, offering a viable alternative to pesticides.
巴西、美国和捷克共和国的研究人员进行的一项研究表明,鸟类、甲虫和臭虫等天敌可能是杀虫剂的有效替代品,可减少害虫数量 70% 以上,并将农作物产量提高 25%。 Natural predators like birds, beetles, and bugs could be an effective alternative to pesticides, reducing pest populations by over 70% and increasing crop yields by 25%, according to a study by researchers in Brazil, the US, and the Czech Republic. 该研究分析了过去有关捕食性害虫控制的研究,表明天敌在害虫控制中发挥着至关重要的作用,应该保留以应对未来的气候挑战。 The study analyzed past research on predator pest control, suggesting that natural predators play a crucial role in pest control and should be maintained for future climate challenges.