《中间人》女演员艾米丽·阿塔克在 BBC 早餐节目中宣布了她孩子的性别和预产期,并支持加强性同意法的运动。 Emily Atack, "The Inbetweeners" actress, announced her baby's gender and due date on BBC Breakfast and supports a campaign for stronger sexual consent laws.
因《中间人》而闻名的女演员艾米丽·阿塔克 (Emily Atack) 在 BBC 早餐节目中透露了她宝宝的性别和预产期。 Emily Atack, an actress known for "The Inbetweeners," revealed her baby's gender and due date on BBC Breakfast. 她即将与伴侣阿利斯泰尔·加纳 (Alistair Garner) 博士生下第一个孩子,并支持平等权利组织的一项运动,以加强有关性同意的法律。 She is expecting her first child with partner Dr. Alistair Garner and supports a campaign by Right To Equality to strengthen the law around sexual consent. Emily 提倡肯定同意,这需要明确、非胁迫和知情的确认同意才有效。 Emily advocates for affirmative consent, which requires a clear, uncoerced, and informed confirmation of consent for it to be valid.