惠灵顿发生故意破坏事件后,警方提出指控。 Police lay charges after vandalism in Wellington.
1 月初惠灵顿北郊发生车辆和公交车站遭到破坏的事件后,警方逮捕了三人,目前他们面临约 150 项指控。 Police have arrested three people who now face approximately 150 charges between them, following incidents in early January where vehicles and bus stops were damaged in Wellington’s northern suburbs. 两名年龄分别为 21 岁和 25 岁的男子和一名 19 岁的女子被指控故意伤害罪,预计将于 3 月 7 日星期四在惠灵顿地方法院出庭。 Two men, aged 21 and 25, and a 19-year-old woman have been charged with intentional damage and are expected to appear in the Wellington District Court on Thursday 7 March.