菲律宾和韩国空军在克拉克空军基地合作举办为期三天的飞行表演,纪念两国建交 75 周年,并进行了一次特别的友谊飞行。 Philippine and Republic of Korea Air Forces collaborate for a three-day air show at Clark Air Base, marking 75 years of diplomatic relations and featuring a special friendship flight.
菲律宾空军和韩国空军在邦板牙省克拉克空军基地举行了为期三天的飞行表演,以纪念两国建交 75 周年。 The Philippine Air Force and Republic of Korea Air Force kicked off a three-day air show at Clark Air Base in Pampanga to mark 75 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 此次活动的特色是与分别驾驶 FA-50PH 和 T-50B 飞机的菲律宾和韩国飞行员进行了一次特别的友谊飞行。 The event featured a special friendship flight with Filipino and South Korean pilots flying FA-50PH and T-50B aircraft, respectively. 来自韩国的黑鹰特技飞行表演队也以空中特技表演惊艳观众。 The Black Eagles aerobatic team from South Korea also amazed the audience with aerial maneuvers.