埃尔帕索警察总部更名为纪念已故警察局长格雷格·艾伦。 El Paso Police Headquarters renamed to honor late Police Chief Greg Allen.
埃尔帕索警察局将其总部更名为格雷戈里·K·艾伦警察局长总部,以纪念已任职近 15 年的已故警察局长格雷格·艾伦。 El Paso Police Department renamed its headquarters as Chief Gregory K. Allen Police Headquarters to honor the late Police Chief Greg Allen, who served for almost 15 years. 命名仪式在他 73 岁生日那天举行,出席者包括他的家人、市领导和同事。 The naming ceremony took place on his 73rd birthday, attended by his family, city leaders, and fellow officers. 艾伦酋长于 1978 年开始了他 44 年的职业生涯,为埃尔帕索连续三年成为最安全的大城市发挥了重要作用。 Chief Allen began his 44-year career in 1978 and played a significant role in making El Paso the safest large city for three consecutive years.