路易斯维尔国王路易十六的雕像仍保存在仓库中。 Louisville statue of King Louis XVI remains in storage.
路易斯维尔一直在努力解决如何处理这座拥有 200 年历史的路易十六国王雕像的问题。 Louisville has been grappling with what to do with a 200-year-old statue of its namesake, King Louis XVI. 该雕像自 2020 年抗议活动中遭到破坏以来一直被存放起来。 The statue has been in storage since it was vandalized during protests in 2020. 由于围绕它的存在存在争议,博物馆和公众一直犹豫是否要重新展出它。 Museums and the public have been hesitant to put it back on display due to the controversy surrounding its presence. 当地领导人尚未就雕像的未来制定明确的解决方案。 Local leaders have not yet decided on a clear solution for the statue's future.