卡拉巴尔大学(UNICAL)推出“副校长奖学金奖励计划”,奖励34名CGPA超过4.0的优秀学生。 University of Calabar (UNICAL) launches "Vice Chancellor Scholarship Award Scheme", awards 34 high-performing students with CGPA over 4.0.
卡拉巴尔大学 (UNICAL) 在其首个“副校长奖学金计划”中向 34 名 CGPA 超过 4.0 的优秀学生颁发奖学金。 University of Calabar (UNICAL) awards scholarships to 34 high-performing students with a CGPA of over 4.0 in its first "Vice Chancellor Scholarship Award Scheme". 副校长 Florence Obi 教授在大学参议院向优秀学生颁发奖学金时宣布了这一奖学金。 VC Prof. Florence Obi, announced the scholarships while presenting them to deserving students at the university's Senate Chamber. 这些奖学金的设立是她致力于根据全球最佳实践重新定位大学的承诺的一部分。 The scholarships were launched as part of her commitment to reposition the university in line with global best practices.