6 名乌干达/坦桑尼亚妇女因涉嫌持刀抢劫一名商人并威胁要将他卷入性骚扰案而在旁遮普省被捕。 6 Ugandan/Tanzanian women arrested in Punjab for allegedly looting a businessman at knife point and threatening to implicate him in a molestation case.
六名来自乌干达和坦桑尼亚的妇女在旁遮普省帕格瓦拉被捕,原因是她们涉嫌持刀抢劫一名商人,并威胁他卷入性骚扰案件。 6 women from Uganda and Tanzania were arrested in Phagwara, Punjab for allegedly looting a businessman at knife point and threatening him to implicate in a molestation case. 被告因拉贾斯坦邦一名在 Maheru 村经营生意的居民的投诉而被捕。 The accused were arrested on the complaint of a resident of Rajasthan, who was running a business in Maheru village. 他们是根据印度刑法典第 341 条(不当束缚)、第 384 条(勒索)和第 506 条(刑事恐吓)被捕的。 They were nabbed under sections 341 (wrongful restraint), 384 (extortion), and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code.