詹姆斯·史密斯 (James Smyth) 被判无罪 1994 年 UVF 谋杀案。 James Smyth found not guilty of 1994 UVF murders.
58 岁的詹姆斯·斯图尔特·史密斯 (James Stewart Smyth) 被判无罪,罪名是 1994 年 UVF 在贝尔法斯特北部杀害天主教工人埃蒙·福克斯 (Eamon Fox) 和加里·康维 (Gary Convie) 的案件。 James Stewart Smyth, 58, has been found not guilty of the 1994 UVF murders of Catholic workmen Eamon Fox and Gary Convie in north Belfast. 史密斯还被洗清了一项谋杀未遂、持有枪支以及加入被禁组织 UVF 的罪名。 Smyth was also cleared of one count of attempted murder, possession of a firearm, and membership of a proscribed organization, the UVF. 法官奥哈拉法官对检方提供的 DNA 证据以及主要证人加里·哈加蒂 (Gary Haggarty) 的可靠性表示怀疑。 The judge, Mr Justice O'Hara, had doubts about the DNA evidence presented by the prosecution and the reliability of the main witness, Gary Haggarty, a former loyalist-turned-supergrass.