尽管气温温暖,当地渔民仍然在尼亚加拉河上成功捕捞大斑眼鱼和硬头鱼。 Despite warm temperatures, local fishermen catch large walleye and successful steelhead fishing on the Niagara River.
尽管纽约州西部气温创历史新高,但五大湖和尼亚加拉河沿岸仍存在良好的捕鱼条件。 Despite record-warm temperatures in Western New York, some good fishing conditions prevail along the Great Lakes and Niagara River. 尽管冰钓季节充满挑战,但当地渔民仍报告捕获了大斑眼鱼和成功的硬头鱼。 Despite a challenging ice fishing season, local fishermen report catching large walleye and successful steelhead fishing. 上周,几个朋友利用良好的条件在尼亚加拉河捕获了一条大白眼鱼。 This past week, a few friends took advantage of the good conditions to catch a large walleye off the Niagara River.