41 岁的凯玛·沃德-霍珀 (Kema Ward-Hopper) 和家人在休斯顿的家被飓风哈维摧毁后搬到了哥斯达黎加,现在的生活费每年不足 3 万美元。 41-year-old Kema Ward-Hopper and family moved to Costa Rica after their Houston home was destroyed by Hurricane Harvey, now living on less than $30k/year.
41 岁的凯玛·沃德-霍珀 (Kema Ward-Hopper) 和她的家人在飓风哈维摧毁了家园后从休斯敦搬到了哥斯达黎加,选择每年靠不到 30,000 美元的生活费。 41-year-old Kema Ward-Hopper and her family moved from Houston to Costa Rica after Hurricane Harvey destroyed their home, choosing to live on less than $30,000 a year. 他们现在居住在尼科亚半岛的一栋丛林房屋中,每月租金为 500 美元。 They now reside in a jungle home on the Nicoya Peninsula, with a rent of $500 per month. 沃德-霍珀和她的丈夫尼古拉斯·霍珀觉得他们在哥斯达黎加的新生活中找到了幸福和满足,没有计划返回美国。 Ward-Hopper and her husband, Nicholas Hopper, feel they've found happiness and contentment in their new life in Costa Rica, with no plans to return to the US.