香港行政长官李家超于3月4日至6日访问北京,出席全国人民代表大会并签署卫生协议。 Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee visits Beijing on March 4-6, attending the National People's Congress and signing health agreements.
香港行政长官李家超3月4日到访北京,并于3月5日出席第十四届全国人大会议,与中央部委会面,推动合作协调。 Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee visits Beijing on March 4 to attend the 14th National People's Congress on March 5, meeting with central ministries to promote cooperation and coordination. 他将见证香港赛马会、国家卫生健康委员会和卫生局签署卫生相关协议。 He will witness health-related agreement signings between the Hong Kong Jockey Club, the National Health Commission, and the Health Bureau. 李光耀的访问将于3月6日结束,在他缺席期间,陈国基代行行政长官职务。 Lee's visit ends on March 6, with Chan Kwok-ki acting as the Acting Chief Executive during his absence.