在俄亥俄州斯托本维尔,一名妇女声称她的斯坦利玻璃杯阻止了流弹击中她。 In Steubenville, Ohio, a woman claims her Stanley tumbler stopped a stray bullet from hitting her.
俄亥俄州斯托本维尔的一名妇女声称,当一颗流弹穿过她的房子并从她面前的杯子弹开时,她的斯坦利玻璃杯救了她的命。 A woman in Steubenville, Ohio claims her Stanley tumbler saved her life when a stray bullet came through her house and ricocheted off the cup, which was in front of her. 这名女子分享了一段解释这一事件的 TikTok 视频,她的说法随后在社交媒体上疯传,引发了人们的怀疑和惊讶。 The woman shared a TikTok video explaining the incident, and her claim has since gone viral on social media, sparking disbelief and amazement. 有人建议将该杯子放在博物馆或其他公共场所展出。 Some have suggested that the cup should be put on display in a museum or other public place.