宾夕法尼亚州警方指控三人涉嫌密谋纵火阿诺德的家。 Pennsylvania State Police charged three individuals for allegedly conspiring to arson Arnold's home.
宾夕法尼亚州警方对 2016 年卡本县涉嫌纵火事件的三人提出指控。 Pennsylvania State Police have charged three individuals in relation to an alleged arson incident in Carbon County in 2016. 理查德·斯奈德、大卫·阿戈特和房主本杰明·阿诺德被指控合谋烧毁阿诺德位于兰斯福德区东前街的空置双层住宅,以获取保险金。 Richard Snyder, David Argott, and homeowner Benjamin Arnold are accused of conspiring to burn down Arnold's unoccupied double-block home on East Front Street, Lansford Borough, for insurance money. 斯奈德从阿诺德那里得到了 10,000 美元来放火,随后又向阿戈特支付了 5,000 美元来点燃它。 Snyder received $10,000 from Arnold to set the fire, and subsequently paid Argott $5,000 to ignite it.