下一款《战地》游戏将推出免费大逃杀模式。 Next Battlefield game to feature free-to-play Battle Royale mode.
据一份新报告称,下一款《战地》游戏可能会提供免费的大逃杀模式。 The next Battlefield game may feature a free Battle Royale mode, according to a new report. 上一款《战地》游戏《战地 2042》曾面临强烈反对,但持续的更新已经改善了游戏的状态。 The last Battlefield game, Battlefield 2042, faced backlash, but ongoing updates have improved the game's state. 据报道,由前《使命召唤》老板 Byron Beede 领导的 Ripple Effect Studios 正在开发一款以《使命召唤:战区》为蓝本的免费大逃杀游戏。 Ripple Effect Studios, led by former Call of Duty boss Byron Beede, is reportedly working on a free-to-play Battle Royale title modeled after Call of Duty: Warzone. 该游戏将与该系列的下一个主线版本一起发售,据称该版本将于 2025 年 10 月发布。 The game will be available alongside the series' next mainline installment, which is allegedly due out in October 2025.