在日本和亚洲,由于制造错误,《最终幻想 7 重生》实体版的光盘标签错误。 In Japan and Asia, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth physical copies have mislabeled discs due to a manufacturing error.
由于索尼互动娱乐公司的制造错误,日本和亚洲的《最终幻想 7 重生》实体版光盘贴有错误标签,导致玩家感到困惑。 Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth physical copies in Japan and Asia have mislabeled discs due to a manufacturing error at Sony Interactive Entertainment, causing confusion for players. Square Enix 确认受影响的玩家需要使用“播放光盘”安装游戏并使用“数据光盘”进行游戏。 Square Enix confirmed that affected players need to install the game using the "Play Disc" and play it with the "Data Disc." 该公司对给您带来的不便表示歉意,并提供了如何处理该问题的说明。 The company apologized for the inconvenience and provided instructions on how to handle the issue.