前密西西比州州长菲尔·布莱恩特 (Phil Bryant) 被指控在 2019 年的一次聚会上讨论了与布雷特·法夫尔 (Brett Favre) 有关的一家福利资助制药公司的财务股权提议。 Former Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant is accused of discussing a financial stake offer in a welfare-funded drug company connected to Brett Favre, at a 2019 party.
密西西比州前州长菲尔·布莱恩特 (Phil Bryant) 被因福利支出不当案件而被定罪的女性南希·纽 (Nancy New) 指控,称其讨论向一家接受福利资金开发脑震荡药物的公司提供财务股份。 Former Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant is accused by Nancy New, a woman convicted in a welfare misspending case, of discussing being offered a financial stake in a company that received welfare funds to develop a concussion drug. 这家名为 Prevacus 的公司与退役 NFL 四分卫布雷特·法夫尔 (Brett Favre) 有联系。 The company, Prevacus, was connected to retired NFL quarterback Brett Favre. New 在一份新的法庭文件中提出了这些指控,他声称科比在 2019 年的圣诞派对上提到了这一提议。 The allegations were made in a new court filing by New, who claims Bryant mentioned the offer at a 2019 Christmas party.