惠灵顿市议会以 3200 万新西兰元的价格购买了地震多发的雷丁电影院 (Reading Cinema),并将其租回给雷丁电影院 (Reading Cinemas),租期为 21 年,可续租。 Wellington City Council buys earthquake-prone Reading Cinema complex for NZ$32m, leasing it back to Reading Cinemas for a 21-year, renewable lease.
惠灵顿市议会已同意以 3200 万新西兰元购买地震多发的雷丁电影院大楼的土地,并计划将其租回给雷丁电影院,租期为 21 年,可永久续租。 Wellington City Council has agreed to purchase the land of the earthquake-prone Reading Cinema complex for NZ$32 million, with plans to lease it back to Reading Cinemas for a 21-year, perpetually renewable lease. 年租金将覆盖理事会的借贷成本,雷丁电影院可以选择在前 15 年内回购土地。 Annual rent will cover the Council's borrowing costs, and Reading Cinemas has the option to buy back the land within the first 15 years. 该委员会的目标是创建一个充满活力的市中心,并恢复雷丁电影院作为蒂阿罗娱乐主力的地位。 The Council aims to create a vibrant city center and restore Reading Cinema as an entertainment anchor in Te Aro.