加布里埃拉·温莎夫人的丈夫托马斯·金斯顿被发现死于格洛斯特郡;王室成员表示哀悼。 Thomas Kingston, husband of Lady Gabriella Windsor, was found dead in Gloucestershire; royal family offers condolences.
45 岁的托马斯·金斯顿 (Thomas Kingston) 是肯特郡迈克尔王子和公主的女儿加布里埃拉·温莎夫人 (Lady Gabriella Windsor) 的丈夫,被发现死于格洛斯特郡。 Thomas Kingston, 45, the husband of Lady Gabriella Windsor, daughter of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent, was found dead in Gloucestershire. 金斯顿是 Devonport Capital 的董事,此前曾在伊拉克巴格达工作。 Kingston was a director of Devonport Capital and had previously worked in Baghdad, Iraq. 包括国王查尔斯三世和王后卡米拉在内的王室成员对失去一位深受爱戴的家庭成员表示哀悼和悲痛。 The royal family, including King Charles III and Queen Camilla, has expressed their condolences and shared their grief over the loss of a much-loved family member. 死因尚未确定,但没有任何可疑情况。 The cause of death is yet to be determined, but there are no suspicious circumstances.