皇家飞利浦在全球安装了 1,000 多个几乎无氦的 MRI 系统,解决了氦气短缺问题并增加了患者的使用机会。 Royal Philips installed over 1,000 virtually helium-free MRI systems globally, addressing helium scarcity and increasing patient access.
皇家飞利浦已在全球安装了 1,000 多套几乎无氦的 MRI 系统,解决了氦气短缺问题并增加了患者获得高质量护理的机会。 Royal Philips has installed over 1,000 of its virtually helium-free MRI systems globally, addressing helium scarcity and increasing patient access to high-quality care. 该公司的 BlueSeal 磁体技术仅需要传统飞利浦 MR 系统 0.5% 的氦气,并且可以安装在具有挑战性的位置,进一步扩大了尖端成像技术的应用范围。 The company's BlueSeal magnet technology requires only 0.5% of the helium of a conventional Philips MR system and can be installed in challenging locations, further expanding access to cutting-edge imaging technology.