考虑到萨本·李、乌多卡·阿祖布克和西奥·马莱登,菲尼克斯太阳队在买断截止日期之前还剩下一个名额需要填补。 Phoenix Suns have one roster spot left to fill before buyout deadline, considering Saben Lee, Udoka Azubuike, and Theo Maledon.
在买断市场截止日期之前,菲尼克斯太阳队还剩下一个名额需要填补,该名额的潜在候选人包括萨本·李、乌多卡·阿祖布伊克和西奥·马莱登。 The Phoenix Suns have one roster spot left to fill before the buyout market deadline, with potential candidates for the spot including Saben Lee, Udoka Azubuike, and Theo Maledon. 球队已经签下了赛迪斯·杨,此前还通过买断或交易的方式收购了罗伊斯·奥尼尔和大卫·罗迪。 The team has already signed Thaddeus Young and previously acquired Royce O'Neale and David Roddy, all via buyout or trade. 太阳队必须在 3 月 1 日之前决定最终的名单位置,因为在此日期之后放弃的球员将无法添加到季后赛名单中。 The Suns must decide on their final roster spot before March 1, as players waived after this date cannot be added to the postseason roster.