在霍莉·波波谋杀案审判中,关键证人杰森·奥特里撤回了他的证词,声称这是捏造的。 In the Holly Bobo murder trial, key witness Jason Autry recants his testimony, claiming it was fabricated.
法庭文件显示,霍莉·波波谋杀案审判中的关键证人杰森·奥特里放弃了他的证词。 Key witness Jason Autry in the Holly Bobo murder trial recants his testimony, according to court documents. Autry 在 2017 年提供了针对扎卡里·亚当斯 (Zachary Adams) 的详细细节,导致亚当斯 (Adams) 在 2011 年绑架、强奸和谋杀护理专业学生波波 (Bobo) 的事件中被定罪。 Autry provided graphic details against Zachary Adams in 2017, leading to Adams' conviction in the 2011 kidnapping, rape, and murder of nursing student Bobo. 奥特里现在声称他的证词是捏造的,以避免长期监禁。 Autry now claims his testimony was fabricated to avoid a long prison sentence. 亚当斯正在寻求推翻他的定罪。 Adams is seeking to have his conviction overturned.