43 岁的维斯塔妇女洛里·利特勒 (Lori Littler) 于 2 月 17 日在她的公寓查获超过 350 克冰毒和 14 克芬太尼后,因多项毒品指控被捕。 Vestal woman Lori Littler, 43, was arrested with multiple drug charges after a drug bust at her apartment found over 350g of meth and 14g of fentanyl on Feb.
43 岁的维斯塔妇女 Lori Littler 在 2 月 12 日的一次缉毒行动中,在她的公寓中发现了超过 350 克冰毒和 14 克芬太尼,随后被捕并被指控犯有多项重罪和轻罪,其中包括非法持有二级受控物质。 24. Vestal woman Lori Littler, 43, was arrested and charged with multiple felonies and misdemeanors, including criminal possession of a controlled substance in the second degree, after over 350g of meth and 14g of fentanyl were found in her apartment during a drug bust on Feb. 24. 维斯塔警察局对 200 Rano Blvd.、4C 楼、23 号公寓执行了搜查令。 The Vestal Police Department executed a search warrant at 200 Rano Blvd., building 4C, apartment 23.