多伦多蓝鸟队投手埃里克·斯旺森的儿子托比被车撞后被空运到医院,导致斯旺森缺席春季训练。 Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Erik Swanson's son, Toby, was hit by a car and airlifted to the hospital, causing Swanson to leave spring training.
多伦多蓝鸟队投手埃里克·斯旺森4岁的儿子托比被车撞后被空运到医院,导致斯旺森暂时离开春训。 Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Erik Swanson's 4-year-old son, Toby, was hit by a car and airlifted to the hospital, causing Swanson to temporarily leave spring training. 孩子正在康复中,并有家人陪伴。 The child is recovering and surrounded by family. 此事件是在 2022 年发生的一起涉及球队的悲惨家庭事故之后发生的,当时一垒教练马克·布津斯基 (Mark Budzinski) 17 岁的女儿在一次划船事故中去世。 This incident follows a tragic family accident involving the team in 2022, when the 17-year-old daughter of first base coach Mark Budzinski passed away in a boating accident.