McBride 报告称,由于自有品牌清洁产品销量增加,2022 年上半年税前利润为 1740 万英镑。 McBride reports a pre-tax profit of £17.4m for H1 2022 due to increased sales of own-brand cleaning products.
McBride是许多超市自有品牌清洁产品的制造商,报告截至12月31日的六个月税前利润为1740万英镑,与一年前的亏损2000万英镑形成鲜明对比,该公司股价飙升。 McBride, maker of many supermarket own-brand cleaning products, saw its shares soar after it reported a pre-tax profit of £17.4m for the six months to Dec 31, a stark contrast to losses of £20m a year earlier. 销售额增长 10%,达到 4.68 亿英镑,原因是购物者因生活成本压力而选择更便宜的自有品牌商品。 Sales increased by 10% to £468m, attributed to shoppers opting for cheaper own-brand items due to cost-of-living pressures. McBride 预计全年利润将比之前的预测高出 10-15%。 McBride expects full-year profits to be between 10-15% ahead of its previous forecasts.