杰克逊堡的一名牧师候选人学生在早晨的编队跑步中死亡。 A chaplain candidate student at Fort Jackson died during a morning formation run.
牧师候选人学生在杰克逊堡晨跑期间死亡。 Chaplain candidate student dies at Fort Jackson during morning run. 这名学生就读于宗教领导学院,在体能训练中晕倒,后来在医院被宣布死亡。 The student, attending the Institute for Religious Leadership, collapsed during physical training and was later pronounced dead at the hospital. 更多信息将在通知近亲后发布;陆军协议要求在通知亲属后 24 小时进行身份识别。 More information will be released after next of kin are notified; Army protocol requires 24-hour identification after kin notification.