悉尼天鹅队的明星中场卢克·帕克将接受手臂骨折手术,队长卡勒姆·米尔斯受伤,AFL 赛季即将到来。 Sydney Swans' star midfielder Luke Parker to undergo surgery for broken arm, captain Callum Mills injured, AFL season approaching.
悉尼天鹅队面临伤病挑战,明星中场卢克·帕克在 AFL 赛季开始前几天需要接受手臂骨折手术。 Sydney Swans face injury challenges as star midfielder Luke Parker requires surgery for a broken arm days before the AFL season begins. 队长卡勒姆·米尔斯也将因肩伤缺席本赛季的上半场比赛。 Captain Callum Mills will also miss the first part of the season due to a shoulder injury. 天鹅队招募了泰勒·亚当斯和詹姆斯·乔丹来增强他们的中场。 The Swans have recruited Taylor Adams and James Jordon to boost their midfield. 帕克是否回归比赛尚未确定,而米尔斯预计将在赛季中期左右回归。 Parker's return to play is yet to be determined, while Mills expects to return around mid-season.