前英格兰队和女王公园巡游者队前锋斯坦·鲍尔斯去世。 Former England and QPR forward Stan Bowles passed away.
斯坦·鲍尔斯 (Stan Bowles) 去世,享年 75 岁,他是一位才华横溢、特立独行的女王公园巡游者和英格兰足球运动员,以其场外丰富多彩的滑稽动作而闻名。 Stan Bowles, a brilliant maverick QPR and England footballer known for his colourful antics off the pitch, has died aged 75. 鲍尔斯被诊断出患有阿尔茨海默病,他在曼城以学徒的身份开始了自己的职业生涯,后来加入了第四级克鲁队,然后是卡莱尔队,最后于 1972 年转会至女王公园巡游者队。 Bowles, who had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, started his career as an apprentice at Manchester City, later joining Fourth Division Crewe and then Carlisle before moving to QPR in 1972. 他在联赛中出场 315 次,打进 97 球,并为英格兰队出场 5 次。 He went on to make 315 league appearances, scoring 97 goals, and played for England five times.