缅因州民主党众议员贾里德·戈尔登和州长珍妮特·米尔斯在枪支管制提案上存在分歧,戈尔登主张禁止突击步枪。 Maine's Democratic Congressman Jared Golden and Governor Janet Mills differ on gun control proposals, with Golden advocating for an assault rifle ban.
缅因州的两位民主党高层议员、众议员贾里德·戈尔登和州长珍妮特·米尔斯在枪支管制提案上存在分歧。 Two of Maine's top Democrats, Congressman Jared Golden and Governor Janet Mills, are divided over gun control proposals. 两人此前都反对本党在枪支管制方面的立场,但他们对所需的具体改变存在分歧。 Both have previously opposed their party's stance on gun control, but they disagree on the specific changes needed. 戈尔登家乡发生悲剧后,他呼吁禁止突击步枪,这与他之前的立场形成鲜明对比。 In the wake of a tragedy in Golden's hometown, he called for a ban on assault rifles, a stark contrast from his previous stance.