大急流城啤酒公司发生火灾。 A fire broke out at Grand Rapids Brewing Company.
周五,位于大急流城市中心的大急流城酿酒公司发生火灾,火势从厨房开始蔓延到屋顶。 A fire broke out at Grand Rapids Brewing Company in downtown Grand Rapids on Friday, starting in the kitchen and spreading to the roof. 消防队员迅速赶到,13分钟内将火扑灭,所造成的损失极小,没有人员伤亡。 Firefighters arrived quickly and extinguished the fire in 13 minutes, with minimal damage and no injuries reported. 起火原因仍在调查中,该建筑将关闭数天。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation, and the building will remain closed for several days.