Blur 宣布将于 4 月 10 日在波莫纳福克斯剧院举行热身演出,然后再于 4 月 12 日至 14 日和 19 日至 21 日举行科切拉 (Coachella) 演出。 Blur announces a warm-up show on April 10 at Fox Theatre, Pomona, ahead of their Coachella performance on April 12-14 & 19-21.
Blur 宣布将于 4 月 10 日在加利福尼亚州波莫纳福克斯剧院举行科切拉音乐节演出前举行一场亲密的热身表演。 Blur announced an intimate warm-up show on April 10 ahead of their performance at Coachella, taking place at the Fox Theatre in Pomona, California. Jockstrap 将为演出提供开场支持,一般门票销售将于 3 月 1 日开始。 Opening support for the show will come from Jockstrap, and general ticket sales begin March 1. Coachella 的主赛事定于 4 月 12 日至 14 日和 19 日至 21 日在加利福尼亚州印第奥的帝国马球俱乐部举行,届时将有拉娜·德尔·雷 (Lana Del Rey)、泰勒·造物主 (Tyler, the Creator) 和多贾·猫 (Doja Cat) 等明星参加。 Coachella's main event is scheduled for April 12-14 and 19-21 at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, California, featuring headliners Lana Del Rey, Tyler, the Creator, and Doja Cat.