《真实犯罪》的两集《医学侦探》和《血统侦探》讲述了新英格兰和萨克拉门托未侦破的谋杀案。 Two True Crime episodes, "Medical Detectives" and "Bloodline Detectives," feature unsolved murder cases in New England and Sacramento.
两集真实犯罪剧集“医学侦探”(2 月 25 日凌晨 1:00)和“血统侦探”(2 月 24 日晚上 9:00)分享未破谋杀案的故事。 Two True Crime episodes, "Medical Detectives" (1:00 AM, 25 Feb) & "Bloodline Detectives" (9:00 PM, 24 Feb) share stories of unsolved murders. 在《医学侦探》中,新英格兰一位受欢迎的勤杂工被发现被谋杀,调查人员根据法医线索得出了令人震惊的结论。 In "Medical Detectives," a popular handyman in New England is found murdered, with investigators following forensic clues to a shocking conclusion. 在《血统侦探》中,1980 年 4 月,罗宾·布鲁克斯被发现死在她位于萨克拉门托的公寓里。 In "Bloodline Detectives," Robin Brooks is found dead in her Sacramento apartment in April 1980. 这两集都在《真实犯罪》节目中播出。 Both episodes air on True Crime.