SIU Carbondale 的网络防御团队 Security Dawgs 于 2 月 17 日赢得了伊利诺伊州立大学网络防御竞赛。 SIU Carbondale's Cyber Defense team, Security Dawgs, won the Illinois State Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition on Feb. 17.
SIU Carbondale 的网络防御团队 Security Dawgs 于 2 月 17 日在伊利诺伊州立大学网络防御竞赛中击败其他八所学校,获得第一名。 SIU Carbondale's Cyber Defense team, Security Dawgs, won first place at the Illinois State Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition on Feb. 17, defeating eight other schools. 此次胜利凸显了 SIU 提供的教育和培训质量,并为未来的比赛树立了高标准。 The win highlights the quality of education and training provided by SIU and sets a high standard for future competitions. Security Dawgs 现在将参加 3 月 15 日至 16 日举行的中西部地区大学网络防御竞赛。 The Security Dawgs will now compete in the Midwest Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition on March 15-16.