联合国儿童基金会大使艾丽卡的儿子杰克逊·帕克在摩尔多瓦之旅的启发下,在经历了人生的种种特权后,表达了帮助他人的愿望。 Jackson Packer, son of UNICEF ambassador Erica, expresses desire to help others after experiencing life's privileges, inspired by a trip to Moldova.
联合国儿童基金会大使艾丽卡的儿子杰克逊·帕克在经历了生活的特权后分享了他帮助他人的愿望。 Jackson Packer, son of UNICEF ambassador Erica, shares his desire to help others after experiencing life's privileges. 在摩尔多瓦之行中,杰克逊深入了解了联合国儿童基金会的工作,并在自己幸运的成长经历的启发下表达了积极影响人们生活的目标。 On a trip to Moldova, Jackson gained insight into UNICEF's work and expressed his goal to positively impact people's lives, inspired by his own fortunate upbringing. 艾丽卡指出,与其他国家相比,澳大利亚的特权地位强调了回馈的重要性。 Erica notes that Australia's privileged status compared to other countries emphasizes the importance of giving back.