加拿大联邦政府投资 56 万加元对安大略省 Boréal 学院 Sturgeon Falls 校区进行现代化改造,支持少数民族语言教育。 Canadian federal government invests $560,000 to modernize Collège Boréal's Sturgeon Falls campus in Ontario, supporting minority-language education.
加拿大联邦政府已投资 56 万加元改善北方学院位于安大略省的 Sturgeon Falls 校区,加强培训服务、当地高中生招生和校园翻修。 The Canadian federal government has invested $560,000 to improve Collège Boréal's Sturgeon Falls campus in Ontario, enhancing training services, local high school student recruitment, and campus renovations. 这项投资支持少数民族语言教育计划和官方语言行动计划,旨在实现校园现代化并加强安大略省少数民族社区的法语教育。 This investment supports the Minority-Language Education program and the Action Plan for Official Languages, aiming to modernize the campus and strengthen French education in minority communities within Ontario.