法国女演员朱迪思·戈德雷什计划在凯撒奖上讨论性暴力问题,指控导演伯努瓦·雅克和雅克·杜永虐待。 French actress Judith Godrèche plans to address sexual violence at the Cesar Awards, accusing directors Benoît Jacquot and Jacques Doillon of abuse.
作为 #MeToo 运动的一部分,法国女演员朱迪思·戈德雷什 (Judith Godrèche) 计划在法国版奥斯卡颁奖典礼上解决性暴力问题。 French actress Judith Godrèche plans to address sexual violence at the Cesar Awards ceremony, France's version of the Oscars, as part of the #MeToo movement. 戈德雷什指控电影导演伯努瓦·雅克和雅克·杜永在她十几岁的时候对她进行性虐待和身体虐待。 Godrèche has accused film directors Benoît Jacquot and Jacques Doillon of sexual and physical abuse when she was a teenager. 这些指控是在法国电影业此前发生过涉及演员和导演的不当性行为案件之后提出的。 These allegations follow previous cases of sexual misconduct involving actors and directors in the French film industry.