警方在山顶郊区搜寻“感兴趣的人”时,新西兰陶波市的多所学校被封锁。 Multiple schools in Taupō, NZ were locked down during a police search for a "person of interest" in the Hilltop suburb.
新西兰陶波市多所学校被封锁,警方在山顶郊区搜寻“嫌疑人”。 Multiple schools in Taupō, NZ were locked down as police searched for a "person of interest" in the Hilltop suburb. 在警方确认社区没有更大的风险后,封锁被解除,学校于第二天重新开放。 The lockdown was lifted after police confirmed no wider risk to the community, and schools reopened the following day. 此人仍然在逃,警方在丰盛湾警区的协助下继续搜寻。 The individual remains at large, and police continue searching with assistance from the wider Bay of Plenty Policing District. 该事件的性质尚未得到证实。 The nature of the incident has yet to be confirmed.