Meta首席执行官扎克伯格计划访问韩国,与三星董事长李在镕讨论人工智能芯片供应和生成式人工智能,并可能会见尹总统。 Meta CEO Zuckerberg plans to visit South Korea to discuss AI chip supply and generative AI with Samsung Chairman Lee and may meet President Yoon.
Meta首席执行官马克·扎克伯格计划访问韩国,并计划在那里与三星电子董事长李在镕会面,讨论人工智能芯片供应和生成式人工智能问题。 Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is scheduled to visit South Korea, where he plans to meet Samsung Electronics Chairman Jay Y. Lee to discuss AI chip supply and generative AI issues. 这将是扎克伯格自2013年以来首次已知的韩国之行,他还可能会见韩国总统尹锡烈。 This will be Zuckerberg's first known trip to South Korea since 2013, and he may also meet South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol. 这次访问预计将于本月晚些时候进行。 The visit is expected to take place later this month.