伦敦历史悠久的通讯中心 BT 塔以 2.75 亿英镑的价格出售给 MCR Hotels,用于改造为酒店。 London's BT Tower, a historic communications hub, is sold to MCR Hotels for £275m to be transformed into a hotel.
伦敦的 BT 塔是一座历史悠久的通讯中心,于 1965 年开业,现以 2.75 亿英镑的价格出售给 MCR Hotels,并将改造成一家酒店。 London's BT Tower, a historic communications hub opened in 1965, is being sold to MCR Hotels for £275m and will be transformed into a hotel. 该塔曾经是英国最高的建筑,但由于技术进步,其在通讯方面的作用正在减弱。 The tower, once the UK's tallest building, has seen its role in communications diminish due to technological advancements. MCR 酒店首席执行官泰勒·莫尔斯 (Tyler Morse) 旨在保护该建筑的历史,并为这座标志性地标作为酒店的新生命制定建议。 MCR Hotels CEO Tyler Morse aims to preserve the building's history and develop proposals for the iconic landmark's new life as a hotel.