在爱尔兰加拉迪斯湖发现了一条重达 2 公斤的可疑 Pacu 鱼,这是一种非本地物种,引发了爱尔兰内陆渔业局的调查并引起公众警惕。 A 2kg suspected Pacu fish, a non-native species, was found in Garadice Lake, Ireland, prompting an investigation by Inland Fisheries Ireland and public vigilance.
一名钓鱼者在爱尔兰利特里姆郡的加拉迪斯湖发现了一条重达 2 公斤的疑似 Pacu 鱼的遗骸,这是一种与食人鱼有亲缘关系的非本地物种,引发了人们对该国水生生态系统潜在威胁的担忧。 An angler found the remains of a 2kg suspected Pacu fish, a non-native species related to piranhas, in Garadice Lake, Leitrim, Ireland, raising concerns about potential threats to the country's aquatic ecosystems. 爱尔兰内陆渔业局 (IFI) 正在调查该鱼的来源及其进入湖泊的方式,敦促公众保持警惕,并通过保密热线报告任何外来鱼类或植物的目击事件。 Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) is investigating the origin of the fish and how it entered the lake, urging public vigilance and reporting of any sightings of exotic fish or plants through a confidential hotline. 非本地物种的引入可能会对当地鱼类和植物产生不利影响。 The introduction of non-native species can have adverse effects on local fish and plant life.