凯雷和赛勒斯计划收购伦敦绍森德机场以结束债务纠纷。 Carlyle, Cyrus Plan London Southend Airport Takeover to End Debt Dispute.
绍森德机场的所有者埃斯肯正在考虑一项可能使其失去机场控制权的交易,作为与美国私募股权公司凯雷集团就贷款纠纷达成和解的一部分。 Esken, the owner of Southend Airport, is considering a deal that could see it lose control of the airport as part of a settlement with US private equity firm Carlyle over a loan dispute. 2021 年 Covid-19 大流行期间,Esken 向凯雷借款 1.25 亿英镑以确保其财务状况,但凯雷声称 Esken 违反了贷款条款,并在去年提起的法庭诉讼中要求返还 2 亿英镑。 Esken borrowed £125m from Carlyle during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021 to secure its finances, but Carlyle claimed that Esken had broken the terms of its loan and demanded £200m back in a court case filed last year. 埃斯肯必须在 3 月 4 日之前决定是否接受凯雷的资本重组提案,该提案将涉及这家美国公司取得所有权并提供 3200 万英镑的新资金。 Esken has until March 4 to decide whether it wants to accept a recapitalisation proposal with Carlyle, which would involve the US firm taking ownership and providing £32m in new funding.