阿拉巴马州巴克否认整容手术谣言和文化挪用指控。 Alabama Barker denies cosmetic surgery rumors and cultural appropriation accusations.
特拉维斯·巴克和考特尼·卡戴珊的女儿阿拉巴马·巴克驳斥了有关整容手术的谣言。 Alabama Barker, daughter of Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian, has refuted rumors about having cosmetic surgery. 最近几周,她在社交媒体上面临“文化挪用”和整容手术的指控。 In recent weeks, she has faced accusations of "cultural appropriation" and plastic surgery on social media. 这位 18 岁的网红现在为自己辩护,坚称除了轻微修饰嘴唇外,她没有接受任何整容手术。 The 18-year-old influencer has now defended herself, insisting she has not undergone any cosmetic procedures apart from lightly modifying her lips.