北温哥华博物馆展示了女性泳衣长达一个世纪的演变。 Museum of North Vancouver exhibits century-long transformation of women's swimsuits.
北温哥华博物馆 (MONOVA) 拥有展示上个世纪女性泳衣变迁的照片档案。 The Museum of North Vancouver (MONOVA) has an archive of photos showcasing the transformation of women's swimsuits over the last century. 1900 年代初期,女性穿着厚重的羊毛泳衣,遮盖手臂和腿部,弄湿后会变得更重。 In the early 1900s, women wore heavy wool bathing dresses that covered arms and legs, becoming heavier when wet. 到了 20 世纪 30 年代,泳衣开始露出更多肌肤。 By the 1930s, swimsuits began to reveal more skin. 该博物馆位于造船厂西滨海艺术中心 115 号,可让您进一步了解北岸的历史。 The museum, located at 115 West Esplanade in The Shipyards, offers further insights into North Shore history.