超模贝拉·哈迪德和马术运动员阿丹·巴纽洛斯证实了他们的关系。 Supermodel Bella Hadid and equestrian Adan Banuelos confirmed their relationship.
超模贝拉·哈迪德 (Bella Hadid) 和马术运动员阿丹·巴纽洛斯 (Adan Banuelos) 通过社交媒体帖子证实了他们的关系。 Supermodel Bella Hadid and equestrian Adan Banuelos have confirmed their relationship through social media posts. 这对夫妇自十月起就被传言在一起,他们都对马有着共同的热爱,并且经常被看到一起出现在各种公开郊游中。 The couple, who have been rumored to be together since October, have a shared love for horses and have been seen together in various public outings. 巴纽洛斯是马术界的冠军,并已入选国家马术协会骑手名人堂。 Banuelos is a champion in the horse riding world and has been inducted into the National Cutting Horse Association Riders Hall of Fame. 哈迪德还是一位狂热的骑马者,经常在社交媒体渠道上分享她对这项运动的热情。 Hadid is also an avid horse rider and often shares her passion for the sport on her social media channels. 这对夫妇的关系似乎很牢固,朋友和家人都称赞他们的支持关系。 The couple's relationship appears to be going strong, with friends and family praising their supportive relationship.