乔治敦县治安官拘留中心的雇员被解雇。 Georgetown County Sheriff's detention center employee was terminated.
乔治城县拘留中心的一名雇员杰拉·玛丽·史密斯 (Jayla Marie Smith) 因涉嫌殴打一名男性囚犯而被解雇并因简单袭击而被捕。 A Georgetown County detention center employee, Jayla Marie Smith, was fired and arrested for simple assault after allegedly striking a male inmate. 这名 25 岁的文职雇员被指控在囚犯对她说了“不恰当的话”后袭击了她。 The 25-year-old civilian employee was accused of assaulting the inmate after he said "inappropriate things" to her. 史密斯立即被另一名员工从囚犯身边拉开,然后被捕。 Smith was immediately pulled away from the inmate by another employee and then placed under arrest.