熊队伟大的史蒂夫·麦克迈克尔因感染住院接受治疗。 Bears great Steve McMichael was hospitalized infection treatment..
前芝加哥熊队球员史蒂夫·麦克迈克尔正在与肌萎缩侧索硬化症作斗争,他因尿路感染住院。 Former Chicago Bears player Steve McMichael, who is battling ALS, has been hospitalized due to a urinary tract infection. 他被送往芝加哥郊区一家医院的重症监护室,并接受了三种抗生素治疗。 He was admitted to intensive care at a suburban Chicago hospital and treated with three antibiotics. 麦克迈克尔最近被选入职业橄榄球名人堂,并计划于 8 月 3 日入选。 McMichael was recently voted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame and is scheduled to be inducted on August 3.