Origin Energy HY 利润攀升。 Origin Energy HY Profit Climbs.
Origin Energy Ltd.报告称,截至2023年12月31日的半年度,其归属于母公司成员的利润从上一年的3.99亿澳元或每股23.1美分攀升至9.95亿澳元或每股57.5美分。 Origin Energy Ltd. reported that its profit attributable to members of the parent entity for the half year ended 31 December 2023 climbed to A$995 million or 57.5 cents per share from A$399 million or 23.1 cents per share in the prior year. 该期间收入从上一年的 87.6 亿澳元下降至 79.96 亿澳元。 Revenue for the period declined to A$7.996 billion from A$8.760 billion in the prior year. 2024 财年能源市场 EBITDA 预计为 16 亿澳元至 18 亿澳元,不包括 Octopus Energy。 Energy Markets EBITDA for fiscal year 2024 is expected to be A$1.60 billion - A$1.80 billion, excluding Octopus Energy.