两名青少年在搜查令中被捕。 Two teens arrested during a search warrant.
在内布拉斯加大学林肯分校东校区附近执行搜查令时,两名 18 岁青少年逃离警察追捕并被捕。 Two teens, aged 18, were pursued and arrested by law enforcement after running from officers during the execution of a search warrant near the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s East Campus. 警察最初逮捕了其中一名青少年,并在东校区的部分地区追赶另一名青少年。 Officers initially arrested one of the teens and chased the other through part of the East Campus. 林肯警察局报告称,这两名青少年手无寸铁。 The Lincoln Police Department reported both teens as unarmed. 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校警察局和一架内布拉斯加州巡逻直升机为追捕提供了协助。 The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department and a Nebraska State Patrol helicopter provided assistance in the pursuit.