OpenAI 推出了 Sora,这是一种文本到视频的人工智能系统,可以根据用户提示生成逼真的视频。 OpenAI introduces Sora, a text-to-video AI system that generates realistic videos based on user prompts.
OpenAI 发布了 Sora,这是一种新的文本到视频人工智能系统,可以根据用户文本提示创建逼真的视频。 OpenAI has revealed Sora, a new text-to-video AI system that can create realistic-looking videos based on user text prompts. 通过输入场景、人物和动作的描述,Sora 可以生成长达 60 秒的高质量、复杂的视频。 By inputting descriptions of scenes, characters, and actions, Sora generates high-quality, complex videos up to 60 seconds in length. 该工具目前正在为有限数量的创作者准备,有可能彻底改变电影制作和数字营销等各个行业。 The tool, currently being prepared for a limited number of creators, has the potential to revolutionize various industries such as movie production and digital marketing.